Larger Cultural Conversations

Surviving Bloomington is an event designed to raise awareness and funds for people experiencing homelessness. By extension, it’s important for contestants and volunteers to recognize the role that things like race, gender, and sexual orientation play in our society, and how members of these groups are disproportionately more likely to live in poverty. We STRONGLY recommend exploring this page and watching the videos. This will help contestants learn how to appropriately navigate these conversations in the game of Surviving Bloomington, as well as in real life.


Because our application pool tends to strongly lean towards cis*, white, straight men, Surviving Bloomington is yet another representation of American culture as a whole where the power dynamics can be subconsciously unequal because of race, gender, and sexual orientation. The quickest way to address these diversity discrepancies is to be willing to talk about them both in the game and outside of the game. Surviving Bloomington will not shy away from these conversations if they become a part of a season, and contestants should do their research on these topics BEFORE entering the game to make sure they are socially prepared.

*Cis (cisgender) = describes a person whose gender identity and sex assigned at birth are the same. So if a person was assigned “female” at birth, and they grew up identifying with the female experience, that person would be considered "cis”, or “cis-female”. Like-wise, the same can be said about people assigned “male” at birth who grow up and decide they agree with identifying as “male”. This person would also be considered “cis”, or “cis-male”