What are your hobbies?
Board Games, Running, Horror Movies, Making People Laugh
What are three words to describe you?
Empathic, Determined, Curious
What is your pet peeve?
Which Survivor player (or Surviving Bloomington player) are you the most like?
The love child of Tai Trang and Shirin Oskooi
Why do you think you will be the Sole Survivor?
I am a true Survivor super fan from the earliest days of the show. I truly value authentic relationships, and I think that this is key to success for any player. Also, I grew up as that rural poor trans kid who not only was the first in my family to go to college, but also earned my PhD in Psychology and along the way lost over 150 pounds and turned my life around. Suffice it to say, I know a thing or two about overcoming adversity. To this day, my biggest obstacle is still social anxiety, and win or lose, this is another opportunity for me to advocate for myself like I advocate for my therapy clients, to challenge myself, and see how far I can go. I think I have a diverse skill set and positive attitude and that will help me in the game.