







PhD Student

What are your hobbies?

Reading, Escape Rooms, Running

What are three words to describe you?

Innovative, determined, patient

What is your pet peeve?

When people damage their books needlessly. Water damage, bent and broken spines, ripped pages ... it's frustrating when you see it happen.

Which Survivor player (or Surviving Bloomington player) are you the most like?

Maryanne Oketch & Griffin from Surviving Bloomington S3 & S5.

Why do you think you will be the Sole Survivor?

The biggest surprise to me about accounting research has been how much stories matter. Sure, statistical results are nice, but the audience and reviewers need to buy the story you're selling. Survivor is a lot like that too! At the end, people want a narrative of the game and what role you played in it. My last couple of years in graduate school will give me the edge in telling that story. And you never know - maybe I can win people over with helpful tax advice while I am out there too.